Read what students and teachers are saying about the course!
“This class … helped me on my path to becoming a lawyer, but they have also helped me become a better informed American: one who knows that our rights are fundamental but always shifting and that the free exercise of these rights is essential to our country.”
- Brandon, High School Junior
“I've really enjoyed your class and I haven't been this excited about doing schoolwork before in my life. This class sparked an interest that I didn't know I had, and that's in criminal justice and law enforcement. I want to take more classes that touch on this topic...”
- Max, High School Senior
“I plan on taking a law enforcement career, so this class will definitely help me in the future. I can go through past assignments and my old papers to help me in college while pursuing my degree in criminal justice.”
- Leonardo, High School Senior
“In my future career I want to work for a major in criminal justice. I can use what I learned in this class this semester as a large basis for what I may need to know for my career. I will have much more that is needed to learn but using what I have learned this year will make it much easier to learn and understand why the things are why they are in our justice system. I am thankful for the great and beautiful country I live in and the great justice system we have.”
- Charles, High School Senior
“The Justice & the Constitution course through Lindenwood was a GREAT experience! My students were able apply knowledge of the Constitution to real life situations. Lindenwood provided the opportunity for my students to visit with professionals in the fields of Law, Justice, and Media. My students were asked to think deeply about topics involving the Constitution like the death penalty, freedom of speech, and search warrants. My students were able to form strong opinions that have helped them take a stance on issues they did not know they cared about previously. My students also got a much better understanding of their law and their rights as citizens of the United States. I would strongly recommend this course to any school that wants to develop a stronger knowledge of the Constitution.”
- Josh, High School Teacher