Hammond Institute Speakers Bureau
The Hammond Institute for Free Enterprise at Lindenwood University comprises a number of faculty members and staff who are available for external speaking engagements. For your easy reference, below is a complete list of individuals including their specific presentation topics and areas of expertise.
If you have any interest in scheduling a speaker from the Hammond Institute, please contact:
Matt Adams
Tawni Hunt Ferrarini
Economics Education
Tawni Hunt Ferrarini
Director, Economic Education Center
Robert W. Plaster Professor of Economic Education
Senior Research Fellow – Hammond Institute
Presentation Topics & Areas of Expertise:
What Everyone Should Know about Wealth and Prosperity
The Economics of Governments versus Markets
Meeting Millennials in Their Preferred Learning Spaces
Self-interest: The Greatest Thing about One Is It Is Half of Two.
Rik Hafer
State, Local, and National Economic Policy
Rik Hafer
Director, Center for Economics and the Environment
Professor of Economics
Presentation Topics & Areas of Expertise:
Education and Economic Growth
Economic Outlook
Monetary Policy
Howard Wall
State, Local, and National Economic Policy
Howard Wall
Director, Hammond Institute for Free Enterprise
Professor of Economics
Presentation Topics & Areas of Expertise:
Building a Successful Center on a Shoestring Budget
The US Economy: Current Conditions and Future Prospects
Does the US Economy Exist?
Punishing Poor People With Populist Policies
Cronyism as a Driver of Public Debt
Creeping Contemporary Crony Capitalism